I'd love your help in spreading the word about Me.Decoded
To help this along - I have pulled together some ways in which you can help out. Below are several resources, including images, tweets/ linked in/ facebook updates and more.
Thank you for your support!
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The more we can share, the more we can get people to engage and discover the amazing voices that are telling their stories. Even better, include some of the quotes and quick facts below.
You can also:
- Follow on twitter - https://twitter.com/MeDecoded
- Like on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MeDecoded
- Sign up to the email list - http://eepurl.com/dwsTFP
Shareable Quotes
Interested in being part of a Neurodiverse community looking to change the world? Then check out Me.Decoded - a place for Neurodivergent thinkers and allies to shine a light on Neurodiversity GHOST_URL/
Autistic, dyslexic, dyspraxic, OCD, bipolar, Tourettes, ADHD, ADD. If this is you, @medecoded is looking for people to contribute their experiences, insights & tips. It can be anonymous. More details at GHOST_URL/contributors-guide/
Have you seen Me.Decoded? A great new site for Neurodiversity and the sharing of personal stories, insights and tips. Pop over and say hi to @medecoded, and have a look at the site GHOST_URL/
Quick facts
If you are looking for quick facts to describe what Me.Decoded is about, look no further. I have capture some here for you.
What is it about
Me.Decoded. is about building a community of Neurodivergent thinkers, allies and champions to amplify their voices and drive Neurodiversity through the sharing of personal stories and insights.
Who is behind it
Me.Decoded was founded by Helen Needham, a passionate advocate for Neurodiversity who was diagnosed as autistic at the age of 41. Helen is also a management consultant in financial services, and blogs at Life and ASC
What will be shared on Me.Decoded
On Me.Decoded you will find personal stories from Neurodivergent thinkers, along with celebrations of their achievements. There will also be insights and tips for Neurodiversity, and success stories of organisations who have embraced Neurodiversity.
Why create this site
There are too many people with Neurological differences (including autism, AHHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, bipolar, Tourettes, & OCD) who aren't able to fully realise their potential because they are being overlooked or their needs are not being met. There are many proven benefits of thinking differently, and it is time for things to change. This site aims to help drive that change by amplifying Neurodivergent voices shining a light on what is needed for Neurodiversity.
Are you a blogger, postcaster? Want to find out more about me and this site in an interview? Or possibly in a guest post? If yes, contact me to discuss.
They say a picture says a thousand words, so I thought you might like some pictures to share, share, share ... less writing
MeDecoded Screen Shot
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MeDecoded.com - great for twitter
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MeDecoded.com - great for facebook
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