I am so excited to officially launch Me.Decoded today. The past few weeks has been a flurry of writing posts, letting people know about Me.Decoded, and finding people interested in sharing their stories / insights and tips.
I've had numerous queries about how to contribute, and several people who are currently working on their contributions. I also have a number of interviews planned with people who prefer not to write something. It is a great feeling to see my vision starting to come together, but I know that I have a long way to go and many more voices to find. So please do help spread the word, or even take that step and reach out to me about sharing your own story.
I am also starting to focus in on my mission statment and what I believe Me.Decoded is all about - what do you think? Let me know in the comments below.
Building a community of Neurodivergent thinkers and allies, to amplify their voices and shine a light on Neurodiversity in order to encourage change from the inside out.
It is going to be a busy week of sharing stories
Today - My personal story
Tuesday - Lisa's story of being diagnosed as autistic
Wednesday - An interview with someone diagnosed autistic & ADHD after joining the army
Thursday - My post on How I work and how best to work with me
Friday - A reflection on the week
Throughout the week, I will be doing a number of Facebook live events and sharing content that I think people will be interested in via Facebook and Twitter.
Dont forget to:
- Check out my previous post on Insights into Achieving a Neurodiversity Step Change
- Subscribe to the mailing list
- Share this post on your social media channels, using the share buttons below.
- Leave your comments on the post, as I'd love to know your thoughts
- Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube
- Spread the word.
I am excited about what we can do together, and the possiblities for change that we can bring about.
Here is to the power of our voices and the future of Neurodiversity.