We can't believe that Me.Decoded is already 3 months old. In some ways it feels like it has been around for so much longer.
In celebration of 3 months, we wanted to stop and take a moment to reflect on what has been achieved in these past three months.
If you missed the three top posts, they are here for you to read.
Adult ADHD - not something people always believe
1o ways to work with me as someone who is ActuallyAutistic and Neurodiverse
Looking at the word cloud of what has been written (yes, that is from every post shared), there are some words that I can see are missing - like dyslexia as we are still looking for dyslexics to share their insights - and some that we want to focus on more ... like Neurodiversity.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed, shared stories, commented, signed up and followed Me.Decoded. We look forward to the next 3 months, and the possibilities of what we can achieve together.
If you have a story or insights to share, and wish to add to the growing voice of Me.Decoded then I would love to hear from you.